Results for 'Manuel Alvarado Cornejo'

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  1.  25
    El impacto del Correo de la Exposición en arte, ciencia, prensa y modernización.Manuel Alvarado Cornejo & Marina Alvarado Cornejo - 2020 - Aisthesis 68 (68):11-30.
    El objetivo del trabajo es demostrar que el periódico Correo de la Exposición, surgido como suplemento de la Exhibición Internacional de Chile de 1875, fue un “aparato estético”, superando su carácter complementario. La novedad de este trabajo radica en que se descubre el discurso cientificista y artístico que profundiza los avances obtenidos en am-bas materias hacia 1875. Las conclusiones del trabajo señalan que Correo de la Exposición impuso sus propias reglas exhibitivas y mecanismos de aparición especialmente de las Bellas Artes, (...)
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    El pensamiento social de fray Pedro Bustos y el rol del ahorro en la solución de la cuestión social.Nelson Manuel Alvarado Sánchez - 2022 - Revista Filosofía Uis 21 (2):59-78.
    Este artículo presenta descriptivamente el pensamiento social del religioso franciscano y filósofo chileno, fray Pedro Bustos, particularmente en su propuesta del ahorro como solución a la cuestión social chilena en las primeras décadas del siglo XX. La revisión de sus escritos permite encontrarse con un pensamiento basado en autores europeos, pero adaptados al contexto nacional y reforzado por una cercanía personal con el mundo obrero. Desde allí, y en consonancia con el catolicismo social y una antropología integral, interpretaba la cuestión (...)
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    Rescate y análisis de Carta a un obrero de fray Pedro Bustos, OFM.Nelson Manuel Alvarado Sánchez - 2023 - Franciscanum 65 (179).
    La carta ficticia es el género literario elegido por fray Pedro Bustos, religioso franciscano chileno, para representar la realidad de pobreza material y moral del obrero y su familia y difundir su visión crítica sobre la sociedad, los partidos políticos y la Iglesia en Chile, en las primeras décadas del siglo XX. En ellas es posible encontrar los elementos esenciales del pensamiento social católico, la caracterización de la familia proletaria de Santiago de Chile, el examen de las causas de la (...)
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    Free‐decomposability in varieties of semi‐Heyting algebras.Manuel Abad, Juan Manuel Cornejo & Patricio Díaz Varela - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (3):168-176.
    In this paper we prove that the free algebras in a subvariety equation image of the variety equation image of semi-Heyting algebras are directly decomposable if and only if equation image satisfies the Stone identity.
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    A categorical equivalence between semi-Heyting algebras and centered semi-Nelson algebras.Juan Manuel Cornejo & Hernán Javier San Martín - 2018 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 26 (4):408-428.
  6.  47
    Semi-intuitionistic Logic with Strong Negation.Juan Manuel Cornejo & Ignacio Viglizzo - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (2):281-293.
    Motivated by the definition of semi-Nelson algebras, a propositional calculus called semi-intuitionistic logic with strong negation is introduced and proved to be complete with respect to that class of algebras. An axiomatic extension is proved to have as algebraic semantics the class of Nelson algebras.
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    A Logic for Dually Hemimorphic Semi-Heyting Algebras and its Axiomatic Extensions.Juan Manuel Cornejo & Hanamantagouda P. Sankappanavar - 2022 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 51 (4):555-645.
    The variety \(\mathbb{DHMSH}\) of dually hemimorphic semi-Heyting algebras was introduced in 2011 by the second author as an expansion of semi-Heyting algebras by a dual hemimorphism. In this paper, we focus on the variety \(\mathbb{DHMSH}\) from a logical point of view. The paper presents an extensive investigation of the logic corresponding to the variety of dually hemimorphic semi-Heyting algebras and of its axiomatic extensions, along with an equally extensive universal algebraic study of their corresponding algebraic semantics. Firstly, we present a (...)
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    Semi-intuitionistic Logic.Juan Manuel Cornejo - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (1-2):9-25.
    The purpose of this paper is to define a new logic $${\mathcal {SI}}$$ called semi-intuitionistic logic such that the semi-Heyting algebras introduced in [ 4 ] by Sankappanavar are the semantics for $${\mathcal {SI}}$$ . Besides, the intuitionistic logic will be an axiomatic extension of $${\mathcal {SI}}$$.
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    Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Aristóteles.Ángel Alvarado, Úrsula Carrión, Juan Carlos Díaz, Cristina Hinojosa, José Carlos Loyola, Erich Daniel Luna, Eduardo Llosa, Claudia Maldonado, Elvis Mejía, Rafael Moreno Moreno, Vanessa Navarro, Gerardo Perla, Arturo Rivas, Manuel Seifert, Omar Valencia, Ruth Zea & Raúl Zegarra - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 6.
    "El repertorio bibliográfico no presenta resumen".
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    Dually hemimorphic semi-Nelson algebras.Juan Manuel Cornejo & HernÁn Javier San MartÍn - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (3):316-340.
    Extending the relation between semi-Heyting algebras and semi-Nelson algebras to dually hemimorphic semi-Heyting algebras, we introduce and study the variety of dually hemimorphic semi-Nelson algebras and some of its subvarieties. In particular, we prove that the category of dually hemimorphic semi-Heyting algebras is equivalent to the category of dually hemimorphic centered semi-Nelson algebras. We also study the lattice of congruences of a dually hemimorphic semi-Nelson algebra through some of its deductive systems.
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  11.  27
    The Semi Heyting–Brouwer Logic.Juan Manuel Cornejo - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (4):853-875.
    In this paper we introduce a logic that we name semi Heyting–Brouwer logic, \, in such a way that the variety of double semi-Heyting algebras is its algebraic counterpart. We prove that, up to equivalences by translations, the Heyting–Brouwer logic \ is an axiomatic extension of \ and that the propositional calculi of intuitionistic logic \ and semi-intuitionistic logic \ turn out to be fragments of \.
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    A note on chain‐based semi‐Heyting algebras.Juan Manuel Cornejo, Luiz F. Monteiro, Hanamantagouda P. Sankappanavar & Ignacio D. Viglizzo - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (4):409-417.
    We determine the number of non‐isomorphic semi‐Heyting algebras on an n‐element chain, where n is a positive integer, using a recursive method. We then prove that the numbers obtained agree with those determined in [1]. We apply the formula to calculate the number of non‐isomorphic semi‐Heyting chains of a given size in some important subvarieties of the variety of semi‐Heyting algebras that were introduced in [5]. We further exploit this recursive method to calculate the numbers of non‐isomorphic semi‐Heyting chains with (...)
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  13. Free-decomposability in varieties of semi-Heyting algebras.Manuel Abad, Juan Manuel Cornejo & José Patricio Díaz Varela - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (3):168-176.
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    Moros, San Francisco y los frailes en la serie de cuadros de la vida de san Francisco del Museo de Arte Colonial de San Francisco, Santiago de Chile.Nelson Manuel Alvarado Sánchez - 2020 - Franciscanum 62 (174):1-14.
    En el marco de los 800 años de la celebración del encuentro de San Francisco y el Sultán, convocado por la Orden Franciscana, el presente artículo pretende indagar sobre la concepción de la imagen del moro en la sociedad colonial y, particularmente reflejados en la serie de 54 cuadros de la vida de san Francisco del Museo de Arte Colonial de San Francisco, Santiago de Chile, confeccionada en el siglo XVII en un taller del Cuzco y cuyo destino fue el (...)
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  15.  22
    Interpersonal Skills Program Based on Artistic Expressions to Reduce Intimate Partner Violence in University Students.Lilia Lucy Campos Cornejo, Rosalinda Ramírez Montaldo, Lupe García Ampudia, Miguel Angel Jaimes Campos, Manuel Sánchez-Chero & María del Carmen Villavicencio Guardia - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):177-185.
    This article evaluated the effects of an interpersonal skills program based on artistic expressions to reduce intimate partner violence in college students. The research was of explanatory type, quasi-experimental design and used the Dating Abuse questionnaire (adapted by Osorio, 2014), the Interpersonal Skills questionnaire with reliability of 0.81 having as results in the entry test in terms of violence a mean of 88. 16 and after the program was applied it decreased to 81.2, in interpersonal skills the mean of 46.6 (...)
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    El problema de la muerte en Xavier Zubiri.Manuel Pérez Cornejo - 2020 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 12 (1):137-160.
    El artículo analiza el concepto de la «muerte» en la filosofía del pensador español Xavier Zubiri, quien rechazó la habitual división del ser humano en cuerpo (mortal) y alma (inmortal), y propuso una concepción del hombre entendido como «totalidad psico-física». Esta concepción implica necesariamente la mortalidad del individuo, pero bajo la influencia del teólogo francés M.-É. Boismard, Zubiri plantea un concepto de «resurrección» del hombre como un todo, considerando un error hablar solo de una resurrección del cuerpo. Zubiri piensa que, (...)
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  17.  13
    On a Class of Subreducts of the Variety of Integral srl-Monoids and Related Logics.Juan Manuel Cornejo, Hernn Javier San Martín & Valeria Sígal - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (4):861-891.
    An integral subresiduated lattice ordered commutative monoid (or integral srl-monoid for short) is a pair \(({\textbf {A}},Q)\) where \({\textbf {A}}=(A,\wedge,\vee,\cdot,1)\) is a lattice ordered commutative monoid, 1 is the greatest element of the lattice \((A,\wedge,\vee )\) and _Q_ is a subalgebra of _A_ such that for each \(a,b\in A\) the set \(\{q \in Q: a \cdot q \le b\}\) has maximum, which will be denoted by \(a\rightarrow b\). The integral srl-monoids can be regarded as algebras \((A,\wedge,\vee,\cdot,\rightarrow,1)\) of type (2, 2, (...)
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  18.  20
    Gentzen-Style Sequent Calculus for Semi-intuitionistic Logic.Diego Castaño & Juan Manuel Cornejo - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (6):1245-1265.
    The variety \ of semi-Heyting algebras was introduced by H. P. Sankappanavar [13] as an abstraction of the variety of Heyting algebras. Semi-Heyting algebras are the algebraic models for a logic HsH, known as semi-intuitionistic logic, which is equivalent to the one defined by a Hilbert style calculus in Cornejo :9–25, 2011) [6]. In this article we introduce a Gentzen style sequent calculus GsH for the semi-intuitionistic logic whose associated logic GsH is the same as HsH. The advantage of (...)
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  19.  7
    Educational Management from the Constructivist Perspective to Improve Teaching Performance in Educational Institutions.Fernando Pablo Velásquez Salazar, Hugo Alvarado Rios, Sunil Guardia Salas, Jeremías Allpas Rodríguez, Julio Arévalo Reátegui, Katherine Elisa Pimentel Dionicio & Manuel Ricardo Guerrero Febres - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:128-145.
    The objective was to propose an educational management model from the constructivist perspective to improve teacher performance in primary and secondary education institutions. The research was basic, quantitative approach, non-experimental design, cross-sectional and descriptive-propositional in scope. The sample consisted of 92 teachers from an educational institution in Lambayeque, Peru. The results obtained in the surveys place teacher performance at a low level in all its dimensions: preparation for student learning (60.90%); teaching for student learning (70.70%); participation in the management of (...)
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  20. Formación docente desde la filosofía educativa transdisciplinaria.Floralba Aguilar, Javier Collado, José Manuel Touriñan, Robert Fernando Bolaños-Vivas, Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Alex Estrada-García, María Alejandra Marcelín-Alvarado, Dante Augusto Galeffi, Florent Pasquier, Nicolás Aguilar-Forero, Elisa Álvarez-Monsalve, Alexis Alberto Mena-Zamora, Odalia Llerena-Companioni, Oscar Santiago Barzaga- Sablón, Grey Zita Zambrano, Elva Vaca-Cárdenas, Yamilia Bárbara Cruz-Álvarez, Fanny Tubay-Zambrano, Cristian Javier Urbina Velasco, María Fernanda Alvarado-Ávila, Joselin Katerine Segovia-Sarmiento, Karina Luzdelia Mendoza-Bravo, Katty Isabel Posligua-Loor, Miguel Orozco-Malo & Cufuna Silva-Amino - 2023 - Quito: Abya Yala.
    La formación docente es indispensable para responder a los requerimientos de la compleja sociedad actual. De su conocimiento, iniciativa, praxis y creatividad depende el éxito o el fracaso del sujeto que aprende. Al modificar el rol del docente se transforma la actitud de los estudiantes. ¿Cómo entender la formación filosófica transdisciplinar? Este texto responde a este y otros cuestionamientos: ¿cuáles son los planteamientos pedagógicos afines a la era digital? ¿en qué medida las TIC se encuentran al servicio de una filosofía (...)
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    Philipp Mainländer. Filosofía de la redención. Trad. Manuel Pérez Cornejo. Madrid: Editorial Xorki, 2014.Sandra Baquedano - 2014 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 70:191-194.
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  22. A presuppositional account of reference fixing.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2000 - Journal of Philosophy 97 (3):109-147.
    The paper defends a version of Direct Reference for indexicals on which reference-fixing material (token-reflexive conditions) plays the role of an ancillary presupposition.
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  23. Fiction-making as a Gricean illocutionary type.Manuel Garcia-Carpintero - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (2):203–216.
    There are propositions constituting the content of fictions—sometimes of the utmost importance to understand them—which are not explicitly presented, but must somehow be inferred. This essay deals with what these inferences tell us about the nature of fiction. I will criticize three well-known proposals in the literature: those by David Lewis, Gregory Currie, and Kendall Walton. I advocate a proposal of my own, which I will claim improves on theirs. Most important for my purposes, I will argue on this basis, (...)
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    Epistemic De-Platforming.Manuel de Pinedo & Neftalí Villanueva - 2022 - In David Bordonaba Plou, Víctor Fernández Castro & José Ramón Torices (eds.), The Political Turn in Analytic Philosophy: Reflections on Social Injustice and Oppression. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 105-134.
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  25. On the Value of Philosophy: The Latin American Case.Manuel Vargas - 2010 - Comparative Philosophy 1 (1):33-52.
    There is very little study of Latin American Philosophy in the English-speaking philosophical world. This can sometimes lead to the impression that there is nothing of philosophical worth in Latin American philosophy or its history. The present article offers some reasons for thinking that this impression is mistaken, and indeed, that we ought to have more study of Latin American philosophy than currently exists in the English-speaking philosophical world. In particular, the article argues for three things: (1) an account of (...)
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    Pedro Zulen and the reception of pragmatism in Peru.Pablo Quintanilla - 2011 - In Gregory Fernando Pappas (ed.), Pragmatism in the Americas. Fordham University Press.
    This chapter explores a generation of philosophers that emerged in Peru and became interested in positivism at the end of the nineteenth century. This generation that embraced positivism included Manuel Gonza´lez Prada, Alejandro Deustua, Jorge Polar, Mariano H. Cornejo, Carlos Lisson, Javier Prado, and Manuel Vicente Villara´n. The chapter addresses the interesting parallel that the first consolidated generation of Peruvian philosophers appeared at the end of a tragic and extremely devastating war, similar to the United States in (...)
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  27. Taking the Highway on Skepticism, Luck, and the Value of Responsibility.Manuel Vargas - 2009 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 6 (2):249-265.
    I consider some themes and issues arising in recent work on moral responsibility, focusing on three recent books —Carlos Moya's Moral Responsibility, Al Mele's Free Will and Luck, and John Martin Fischer's My Way. I argue that these texts collectively suggest some difficulties with the way in which many issues are currently framed in the free will debates, including disputes about what constitutes compatibilism and incompatibilism and the relevance of intuitions and ordinary language for describing the metaphysics of free will (...)
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    How to Assess the Democratic Qualities of a Multi-stakeholder Initiative from a Habermasian Perspective? Deliberative Democracy and the Equator Principles Framework.Manuel Wörsdörfer, Bastiaan Linden & Wil Martens - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):1115-1133.
    The paper presents a renewed Habermasian view on transnational multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) and assesses the institutional characteristics of the Equator Principles Association (EPA) from a deliberative democracy perspective. Habermas’ work has been widely adopted in the academic literature on the political responsibilities of (multinational) corporations (i.e., political corporate social responsibility), and also in assessing the democratic qualities of MSIs. Commentators, however, have noted that Habermas’ approach relies very much on ‘nation-state democracy’ and may not be applicable to democracy in MSIs—in (...)
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  29. Maquinar acciones: a propósito del peso de las razones y de la levedad de las necesidades.Manuel Cruz Rodríguez - 1999 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:539-550.
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    De middeleeuwse ideeënwereld, 1000-1300.Manuel Stoffers (ed.) - 1994 - Hilversum: Verloren.
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    In Coherence with the Data.Manuel Bremer - unknown
    Coherence theories are regularly confronted with the objection that there can be many coherent systems, so that mere coherence is said to be insufficient as either the defining element of truth or even as a working criterion of truth. This objection has been called the “master objection”. If someone is taking coherence not only as a criterion supporting the truth of a theory, but as an ingredient to a definition of “true” she has to attack the master objection straight on.
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    Lawrence Dewan y la forma como algo divino en las cosas.Manuel Alejandro Serra Pérez - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (3):663-673.
    Las principales disputas que han tenido lugar en el seno del tomismo contemporáneo han estado marcadas por un fuerte criticismo respecto a la escuela tomista dominicana. Las tesis más discutidas pueden sintetizarse en torno a la comprensión del esse y su énfasis en el conjunto de la filosofía del ser. El dominico canadiense Lawrence Dewan quiso contrarrestar este criticismo equilibrando este énfasis sobre el esse haciendo valer el papel de la forma en el pensamiento de Tomás de Aquino. La forma, (...)
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    La ética ecológica en el Antropoceno.Manuel Arias Maldonado - 1970 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 21:55-76.
    ¿De qué manera afecta el Antropoceno a la ética ecológica? Sabido es que el primero no solo da cuenta de la formidable transformación de origen antropogénico experimentada por los sistemas planetarios, sino que de paso constata que el impacto humano sobre la Tierra es menos un accidente o contingencia que la consecuencia inevitable del modo de ser de la especie. Este artículo explorará las consecuencias que la actual emergencia planetaria tiene para la ética ecológica, arguyendo que la ausencia del sujeto (...)
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    Living in a Nanotech Home.José Manuel de Cózar-Escalante - 2010 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 14 (2):124-139.
    While applying general ethical principles and reasoning to the dilemmas presented by the development of nanotechnology is often useful and always legitimate, we also need to find a way to bridge the gap between general principles and the specific issues that arise from the development of individual nanotechnologies. Drawing inspiration from pragmatist thinking, a useful strategy is to focus on the links between the epistemological, political and social representations of a particular case. Using the example of a nanotechnological house, this (...)
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  35. Truth without hope: Santayana and the illusion of knowledge.Angel Manuel Faerna - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
  36. El argumento de teoría de modelos de Putnam y la metodología para la comprensión de las nociones intencionales.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2002 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 17 (3):541-561.
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    «Quidditas Dei est ipsum suum esse». La hermenéutica del tomismo en confrontación: Lawrence Dewan frente a Étienne Gilson.Manuel Alejandro Serra Pérez - 2023 - Pensamiento 78 (301):1819-1838.
    En el presente artículo se expone la crítica que Lawrence Dewan hizo de Étienne Gilson en torno a la fórmula quidditas Dei est ipsum suum esse, en la que el canadiense entiende que el medievalista francés ha errado interpretando que santo Tomás despoja a Dios de su esencia. Para ambos autores, el auténtico tomismo pasa necesariamente por la comprensión adecuada de esta fórmula en la que el ser y la esencia, a diferencia de los entes, se identifican. A través de (...)
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  38. El concepto de Bien según Buenaventura.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 1998 - Naturaleza y Gracia 2:359-373.
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    Reflexión sobre la sinodalidad en misión. A propósito del XIV Sínodo de la diócesis de Coria-Cáceres / Reflect on synodality in mission. About XIVth Synode of Diocese of Coria-Cáceres.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2017 - Cauriensia 12:443-465.
    La diócesis de Coria-Cáceres ha celebrado su XIV Sínodo diocesano. El presente artículo pretende señalar algunas claves teológicas sobre la sinodalidad eclesial recogida en el derecho canónico y extraer algunas consecuencias sobre la sinodalidad de la Iglesia en misión que pueda ayudar a discernir las claves pastorales de una Iglesia diocesana en el siglo XXI.
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  40. Las curaciones de Jesucristo en el Evangelio de Marcos.Manuel Sánchez Tapia - 2008 - Ciudad de Dios 221 (2):265-289.
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  41. La fe en San Agustín.Manuel Sánchez Tapia - 2013 - Ciudad de Dios 226 (2):309-332.
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    A pedra parideira e a panaceia universal: Robert Boyle e a constituição da ciência instrumental.Manuel Silvério Marques - 2012 - Kairos 5:91-139.
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    A Primeira República Portuguesa : partidos e sistema político.Manuel Baiôa - 2014 - Arbor 190 (766):a114.
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    Stifte am Werk: Phänomenologie, Epistemologie und Poetologie von Lesespuren am Beispiel der Nachlassbibliothek Thomas Manns.Manuel Bamert - 2021 - Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
    Einleitung -- Phänomenologie -- Epistemologie -- Poetologie -- Schlussbemerkungen -- Verzeichnisse.
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    Herman Cappelen , Philosophy without Intuitions . Reviewed by.Manuel Bremer - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (5):366-370.
  46. Introduction.Manuel Garcia-Carpintero & Macià & Josep - 2006 - In Manuel Garcia-Carpintero & Josep Macià (eds.), Two-Dimensional Semantics. New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
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    Crisippo e l’ἐπελευστικὴ κίνησις: una tappa della polemica anti–accademica?Manuel Mazzetti - 2019 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 40 (2):383-400.
    The purpose of this paper is to identify the upholders of the thesis reported by Plutarch, De Stoicorum repugnantiis 23, aimed to reject Stoic determinism. A brief introduction will be devoted to the relationship between this text and the more general context of the Stoic philosophy. Then, I will take into account the objection against Stoic determinism raised by some anonymous philosophers: according to it, causal determinism would be inconsistent with the choice among indistinguishables. Chrysippus replied that if that choice (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Los instrumentos y su contexto. El caso de la Marina española en el siglo XVIII.Manuel Sellés - 2005 - Endoxa 19:137-158.
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  49. Yo e identidad personal.Manuel García Serrano - 1996 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 11 (2):163-189.
  50. Motricidade humana: liberdade e transcendência.Manuel Sérgio - 1997 - Episteme 1:39-58.
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